Part 3

Tuesday, August 14, 1984

        Jim  parked in front of the cabin, and climbed out of the station wagon.  He had volunteered to drive Dan into town to have his stitches removed.  Dan had been avoiding contact with the Bob-Whites for the last week, always finding an excuse to stay away from gatherings and the like.  The gang had agreed when Jim asked them to give Dan some alone time, but in the redhead’s opinion, time was up.  He’d have Dan trapped in the car for twenty minutes in, and twenty minutes back.  Jim grinned to himself, as he planned his fishing expedition.

        Knocking on the door, he called out, “Dan?  It’s Jim.  You ready to go?”

        “I’ve been ready for days.”  The answer came drily from behind Jim, and he spun around to see Dan, leaning against the car.

        “Where were you?” Jim demanded.  “I didn’t see you when I pulled up.”

        “I was in the barn with Spartan,” Dan explained.  “I heard you drive in.  Let’s go and get this done.”


        “Doc said I couldn’t drive, ride or swim until the stitches came out,” Dan explained.  “I’m going to die from boredom if that doesn’t happen soon.”  He climbed into the car.  “I can only spend so much time cooking, gardening and feeding the chickens.”

        Jim backed up and started for the road.  “Is that why you’ve been avoiding everyone?”

        Startled, Dan looked at him.  “Well, that was subtle.”

        “Tact has its place, but so does just laying it out there.  I figured you’ve had a week to sulk and think.”

        “I’m not sulking!”  Dan turned and stared out the window.

        “Then what are you doing?”  Jim’s voice was calm, but deceptively forceful.  “You haven’t been around, you go out of your way to avoid any of us, especially Tessa; which I don’t understand, at all, since she’s obviously, what was it?  Oh yeah, ‘the one’.”

        “Drop it, Jim.”

        “No.”  Jim actually slowed down the car, prolonging the journey.  “I’ve kept everyone off your case for the last week, hoping you’d work out whatever is bothering you.  But, when my  new cousin comes home from visiting you at the cabin, and she’s obviously upset, that’s where I draw the line.  You made her cry, Dan, and that raises a lot of questions.  I’ve got you trapped in this car for the next fifteen minutes, and I need some answers.”

        “Crap.”  Dan muttered under his breath.

        “So, start talking.”

        With a grumble and a sigh, Dan turned to Jim, and started talking.

        It was getting easier, this opening up to people.  That was one of many thoughts that crossed Dan’s mind as he sat, half naked, watching Dr. Tremaine remove the final stitches from his thigh.  After sharing his feelings with Jim, the tension in the car had dissipated.  Jim hadn’t said much, mostly nodded his support, but even that had been oddly comforting.

        “That should do it,”  Dr. Tremaine’s voice snapped Dan back to the present.  “It looks good, but I want you to take it easy for a few more days, just in case.”

        Dan couldn’t stifle his groan.  “How much longer?”

        Tremaine considered the question as he re-bandaged Dan’s leg.  “If you don’t see any seepage or swelling by, say, Saturday, then I would say you can resume normal activities.  I know the inactivity is difficult for you, but the last thing you want is to reopen the wound or get an infection.  I believe that a few more days of caution will prevent a few more weeks of healing.”

        “Yes, sir,”  Dan slid off the table and reached for his sweat pants.  “Thank you, Doc.”

        “You’re welcome.  Remember, keep it covered during the day, and if you see any changes, like those we discussed, give the office a call, immediately.”

        “Will do.”  Dan held out his hand to the doctor, who shook it.  “I  don’t want you to take this the wrong way, sir, but I hope I don’t see you again for a while.”

        Dr. Tremaine laughed.  “Not at all.  Now get out of here and leave this place to sick people.”

        Jim was waiting in the lobby, flipping through an old Field and Stream.  He rose as Dan entered, holding up the keys.  “Want to drive?”

        Dan shook his head and grimaced.  “Can’t.  Not until Saturday.  Doctor’s orders.”

        “Is everything okay?”  Jim asked, concerned.

        “It’s fine.”  Dan headed out the door and towards the car.  “Doc Tremaine just wants me to give it a few more days.”  He slid into the seat and buckled up.  “I guess you’ll just have to be my chauffeur for a little longer.”

        “Not a problem,” Jim said.  “Where do you want to go.”

        “I haven’t got a clue,” Dan laughed.  “I just feel the need to do something.”

        “Have you given any thought to what we talked about on the way in?”

        “Which part?”

        “Thursday and Saturday come to mind.”  Jim tried to keep his tone light.  “Let me refresh your memory.  Thursday night Bob-White meeting, at the clubhouse at seven o’clock.  We will be discussing offering membership to a newly discovered common link between, well, everyone except Diana.  Saturday night at the Sleepyside Country Club, where we will be celebrating the sixteenth birthday of said common link.”

        Dan was silent, chewing on his lower lip.  “I’ll be there Thursday, for sure, but if you want me to attend on Saturday, you’ll have to drive me into White Plains.”

        “White Plains?  Sure, but why?”

        “I can’t show up at Tessa’s birthday party without a present, can I?”  Dan looked at Jim with a pained expression.  “I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but, Jim, will you please take me shopping?”

        After a solid five minutes of laughter, Jim started the car and pointed it toward White Plains.

Part 2


Part 4
