Collision I

Part 1


August 4, 1984

7:00am PST

        Thomas Maypenny re-fastened his seatbelt.  Four more hours, he thought to himself.  Four more hours until home.  Matthew Wheeler had sent the jet back for them, and Sven was traveling with them to take care of Daniel.  Even with that concession, Dr. Consintina had been reluctant to release the boy for travel, especially travel going clear across the continent.

        A box of various medications accompanied them on the trip, as well as a list of instructions three pages long.  Dan was stretched out in one of the reclining seats, drugged into dozing again.  Sven sat next to him, periodically waking his patient and walking him about the cabin to keep his blood circulating.

        Jim, returning from his own walkabout, slid into the seat next to Maypenny and buckled in.  “Sven says Dan’s doing great,” he said.

        “That’s good.”  Maypenny smiled at the redhead.  “I know Daniel was irritated about Sven coming along with us.”

        “He’s doing pretty good on the crutches,” Jim commented.  “I can see how he just wants to be done with it all.”

        “I understand it, too,” Maypenny agreed.  “But he also needs to make sure he doesn’t do too much and hurt himself.  Once we’re home, we’re on our own.”

        “You know, Mr. Maypenny, if you need anything...”

        “I know, Jim.”  Maypenny laid his hand on Jim’s shoulder.  “And I thank you for that.”

        Jim looked up front, where Dan slept.  “Maybe Dan has the right idea,” he mused.  “Sleeping might make the trip go faster.”

        “The trip will take the same amount of time, either way,” Maypenny answered.  “But a nap might help it pass a little easier.”  He reached under his seat and pulled out a blanket.  “I think I’ll give it a try.”

        Jim retrieved his own blanket.  “Me, too,” he said.  “Me, too.”


1:58pm EST

        As Tom pulled the car up the road, Maypenny sighed in relief.  While he was glad that he had gone to Washington to be with Dan during his hospital stay and recovery, he was very happy to be home. 

        In the back seat, Dan heard the sigh and grinned at Jim, who shook his head and returned the grin.  Good ol’ Sven had backed off the medication as New York had approached, and Dan had become much more alert. 

        As Tom parked in front of the cabin, Regan stuck his head out of the barn.  When he recognized the car, he sprinted toward it, wrenching open the back door before Dan could even unfasten his seat belt.

        “You’re back!” Regan exclaimed, as his nephew eased himself out of the car.  “How was the trip?” the redhead asked, “How’s your leg?”

        “The trip was long and I slept through most of it,” Dan answered patiently, taking his crutches from Jim, who had managed to exit the vehicle and walk completely around the car in the time it took Dan to get his feet on the ground.  “My caregiver’s returning to his home, I’m glad to be back at my home, and my leg is healing just fine.  I could even be totally off the crutches in another week. ”

        Regan nodded stiffly, but was overcome by nearly two weeks of suppressed emotion.  He enveloped his nephew in a ferocious, yet cautious, hug.  “I was worried,” the big man murmured into his nephew’s ear, “And I was scared...terrified, actually.”  Regan’s voice choked up a bit. 

        Dan accepted the embrace, shifting his weight slightly to his good leg. “I missed you, too, Uncle Bill, but I am okay.  Really.”

        Regan released him, looking at the, young man, he corrected himself.  Strong and confident, even while leaning on the wooden crutches.  Somewhere, when he hadn’t been paying attention, the scrawny, sullen boy had grown into a man.  “Yeah,” he said, “I guess you are okay.” Jerking his head toward the barn, he added, “I think your horse missed you too.  Maybe, if you aren’t too tired from the trip, you might want to go check on him.”

        Dan grinned at his uncle.  “I’m not tired at all,” he said.  “In fact, I need to stretch my legs a little.”  He looked at Jim, who nodded.  “I’ll just take my things inside, and then I’ll go see to Spartan.  Jim and I are supposed to be at the lake in a little while anyway, and I believe we’re all having a welcome home dinner at Manor House tonight, right?”

        “That’s right.” Jim stepped up next to Dan.  “Tom already took your bag into the cabin, and he’s going to take my stuff down to the house, so you and I are good to go as soon as you check on Spartan.”  He turned to Mr. Maypenny and Regan.  “Mother and Dad are expecting everyone at the house for dinner tonight at six.  You’ll both be there, right?”

        “Four hours to get reacquainted with my home and hearth before I go gallivanting off again,” Mr. Maypenny grumbled, but there was a twinkle in his eye.  “I suppose that’s good enough.”  He looked at Jim and Dan.  “You two go spend time with your friends.  Regan and I will be there for supper.”

        Regan agreed.   “I have some work to do in the stables, so I’ll catch a ride with Tom.  Just go easy, okay? Don’t over do it.” He waited until Dan nodded his assent,  before he climbed into the car.

        As the car pulled away, and Mr. Maypenny entered his cabin, Dan rolled his eyes.  Jim laughed, and the two headed toward the barn.

        Trixie Belden bounced her foot impatiently as her mother packed a basket with fresh vegetables and cookies.  “Moms,” she complained, “It’s nice of you to send food, but honestly, we’re only going to have a few hours before dinner.”

        “I know,” Helen Belden smiled at her daughter.  “Your father and I will be joining you for that dinner.  However, I have yet to see a time where the Bob-Whites refused food.”  She covered the basket with a cloth.  “Why don’t you run up and see if Tessa has found her swimming suit yet?”

        “She’s not going to find it, because it’s down at the new cabana Mr. Wheeler built at the lake,” Trixie said.  “But Tessa insisted that it could’ve fallen out while we were moving her things on Thursday.  I think she just wanted to come back to the farm.”

        “It hasn’t been easy for her, Trixie,” Helen told her daughter.  “Her life has been turned upside down more than once in the last few years.”

        “I know,” Trixie sighed.  “I should be more patient, but gleeps! Moms, have you seen her room at the Manor House?  Mrs. Wheeler calls it a suite, and it’s gorgeous.  It’s three times as big as her room here!”

        “I have seen her rooms, and they’re beautiful, Trixie,” Mrs. Belden replied.  “I know that Tessa will be very happy there, but she was happy here too, and this is just one more change for her.”

        “Oh, gleeps!  You’re right, Moms.”  Trixie impulsively hugged her mother.  “I would hate it if I had to move all my stuff right after I just got settled, and I know I would hate leaving Crabapple Farm!”

        “Well, you don’t have to worry about leaving the Farm until you’re ready,” Helen said, returning her daughter’s hug.  “But do try to be more understanding of your cousin, please?”

        “I will.”  Trixie gave her mother a quick squeeze, and bolted for the stairs.  “Tess!  Have you found it yet?  We’re going to be late!”

        Trixie found her cousin sitting on the twin bed, staring into the empty closet.  “Tess?” she asked, “Are you okay?”

        “Hmmm?” Tessa looked up at her perky little cousin.  “Oh.  I can’t find my suit.  It isn’t here.”

        “Yeah, but we kind of knew that already.”  Trixie sat down next to her.  “So what’s really wrong?”

        Tessa sighed.  “I don’t know.  What if they don’t like me?  The boys, I mean.  You all fit together so well, and I’m just...I don’t know...extra, I guess.”

“You fit fine.”  Trixie searched for words, wishing, not for the first time, that she had more of Honey’s tact or Diana’s easy nature.  “Mart and Brian think you’re swell, Bobby adores you, and Diana has already decided you’re her new best friend.  Honey and I love you, and I know that the boys will too.  Don’t worry so much.”

        Tessa smiled slowly.  “Diana says I’ll be fine as long as I don’t flirt with Jim.”

        Trixie sputtered as she felt a slow blush creeping up her neck and onto her cheeks.  Tossing her blonde curls, she grinned wickedly at her cousin.  “That’s right,” she said.  “The redhead is mine.”  She burst into embarrassed laughter.  “But if you ever tell anyone I said that, I’ll deny it.”

        Tessa’s smile was genuine this time.  “Your secret is safe with me.  Besides, I’ve seen pictures of Jim.  He’s handsome enough, but not my type.  Not to mention that he’s technically my cousin.  I think that definitely makes it icky.”

        “Well then, let’s get down to the lake so you can finally meet everyone.”  Trixie bounced up off the bed.  “Moms packed a ton of veggies and cookies...and Tess?”  Tessa looked at her, waiting. “You know that you are always welcome here, right?  Even if all your stuff is over at Manor House, we’re your family, too.  We had you first!”

        “I know that, Trix,” Tessa smiled.  “But it’s nice to hear.  Thanks.”

        “Let’s go, then.” Trixie bounded out the door, with Tessa right behind her.

        Honey and Diana were already at the lake with Brian and Mart when Trixie and Tessa arrived.  Mart, spying the basket Trixie carried, jumped up to take it.  “Cookies!” he exclaimed.

        “Wait until the guys get here,” Trixie warned.  “But you can have a tomato while you wait.  Where are they?”

        Mart, having just popped three cherry tomatoes into his mouth, tried to answer Trixie’s question with wild gestures and sign language. 

        Tessa laughed, shaking her head.  “I’m going to try and find my suit,” she said, “since you all are ready to swim.”

        “It’s on the bench in the cabana,” Honey called out, watching as Tess headed toward the door.  “Trixie, are you going to change?”

        “I’ve got my suit on under my clothes,” Trixie told her.  “All I need to do is strip down, and I’m ready.  So, would someone whose mouth is not full please answer my question?  Where are Dan and Jim?”

        “I will,” Brian volunteered.  “Jim and Dan are walking down from Mr. Maypenny’s.  Dan wanted to check on Spartan, and since he’s on crutches, it’s just taking them longer to get here.”

        “But not that much longer.”  Trixie turned at the familiar voice, and was unable to stop the smile that blazed like a rising sun across her face at the sight of Jim Frayne.

        Out of the corner of her eye, Trixie saw Honey and Diana rushing to greet Dan, trying to help him down the hill as he good-naturedly waved them away, but her attention was focused on Jim.  The sun glinted off his red hair, creating a halo effect, and the smile on his face seemed directed solely at her.  Trixie felt her heart start to beat a little faster, and her breath hitched.  She took a hesitant step toward him, but stopped as she heard the cabana door open.  Shaking herself slightly, Trixie tried to turn her attention to both Dan and Jim.  “Jim, Dan, there’s someone we want you to meet.  This is our new cousin, Tessa...Hart.”

        Trixie’s voice trailed off at the look on Dan’s face.  He had gone white beneath his summer tan, and his mouth had dropped open, his eyes wide with shock. “Why?” she thought.  “Why do my cousins have this effect on boys?  Tess is pretty, but still...?”  Reluctantly she looked at Jim, fearing what she would find.  To her surprise and relief, Jim wasn’t even looking at Tessa; he was staring at Dan, a concerned look on his face.  Behind her, Trixie heard a strangled sound, a cross between a giggle and a sob.

        Turning her head, she saw Tessa, tears streaming from her eyes, stumble towards Dan.  When she reached him, Tessa raised her hands, touching his face gently, her fingers tracing a line from his eyes to his chin. Trembling, she wrapped her arms around his waist, laying her face against his shoulder.  The crutches fell to the grass as Dan’s arms enveloped Tessa, hugging her tightly to his body.  Trixie was sure she saw tears on Dan’s cheeks as he buried his face in Tessa’s hair.

        Silence.  The six remaining Bob-Whites were speechless.  Trixie’s bewildered blue eyes met the identical ones of Mart.  He shrugged, his voice sounding unnaturally loud, as he said, “I think they’ve already met.”

Collision Next


The Past I, part 1
